Hey everyone! its Christmas!
I am way more excited than i should be, given that i dont even celebrate it... but i have tried out a few new things this year... for example, yesterday i was invited by my friend to hear her church choir in a big programme.. It was nothing less than a revelation.
AS soon as I entered the commencing prayer was said.. it was in Malayalam, and my other hindu friend and I were astonished as to how close it sounded to a priest chanting in sanskrit in a hindu temple...
The hymns gave me chills... almost literally.. the harmony and the chorus really did send shivers down many spines, and i truly enjoyed the whole experience!
I have this belief that one must , atleast for a month, practise all the other religions but his own, and one would realise how similar all the religions are, and also learn to accept all the differences too.
I sooo wanna try Buddhism :D not that i dont like my ownn.. I am just curious about the others , thats all.
I have always had this ... umm.. craving shall we say? to visit all the different House of God for every religion.. so far, despite living in an Islamic country, I haven visited a mosque.. unless you count the Jama Masjid, but that dosent count since i didnt actually go inside, i just saw the courtyard :P
so.. I ve been to temples (many) , a couple of churches, though not during service, and yah,.. thats it.. not even a chinese temple, though i am DYING to go into one... well i need to patient dont I?

So anyway, Heres wishing all my readers (if there are any ) a very MERRY CHRISTMAS !
My new year post is a -fast approaching...
I hope you did something useful this year, coz i certainly havent.. apart from seeing my Most FAVORITE SPortsperson in flesh and blood in front of me.. (refer to Dubai post, somewhere in March)
Yah thats about it. This year has been quite frustrating to put it plainly.
More later
Love y'all (if y'all even exist)
I am way more excited than i should be, given that i dont even celebrate it... but i have tried out a few new things this year... for example, yesterday i was invited by my friend to hear her church choir in a big programme.. It was nothing less than a revelation.
AS soon as I entered the commencing prayer was said.. it was in Malayalam, and my other hindu friend and I were astonished as to how close it sounded to a priest chanting in sanskrit in a hindu temple...
The hymns gave me chills... almost literally.. the harmony and the chorus really did send shivers down many spines, and i truly enjoyed the whole experience!
I have this belief that one must , atleast for a month, practise all the other religions but his own, and one would realise how similar all the religions are, and also learn to accept all the differences too.
I sooo wanna try Buddhism :D not that i dont like my ownn.. I am just curious about the others , thats all.
I have always had this ... umm.. craving shall we say? to visit all the different House of God for every religion.. so far, despite living in an Islamic country, I haven visited a mosque.. unless you count the Jama Masjid, but that dosent count since i didnt actually go inside, i just saw the courtyard :P
so.. I ve been to temples (many) , a couple of churches, though not during service, and yah,.. thats it.. not even a chinese temple, though i am DYING to go into one... well i need to patient dont I?

So anyway, Heres wishing all my readers (if there are any ) a very MERRY CHRISTMAS !
My new year post is a -fast approaching...
I hope you did something useful this year, coz i certainly havent.. apart from seeing my Most FAVORITE SPortsperson in flesh and blood in front of me.. (refer to Dubai post, somewhere in March)
Yah thats about it. This year has been quite frustrating to put it plainly.
More later
Love y'all (if y'all even exist)