Yes, I have finally gotten down to writing this. With the release of Star Trek: Into darkness and the anticipation ( to put it mildly; in reality it is the slow and bloody torture of our mindless souls churning into the dust of utter pain) of Sherlock series 3, I feel it is only apt for his sheer awesomeness to be brought to light. Then for the benefit of all you cumberbitches out there..( yes that is what his fans are called.) I shall compile a list of movies and shows wherein dear dear Ben has featured.
So lets begin.
5.He is British
I honestly think thats reason enough. With his swoonworthy accent and impeccable manners, its hard to hate anyone who makes a scandalized face on hearing his phone ring during an interview.
4. His eyes (and his cheekbones)
There is a whole website dedicated to Ben's eyes for Pete's sake, ( much better than the one dedicated to Katy Perry's Armpits, just saying) . I mean, they seem to change colour as you look at them, and they seem to contain every hue known to man, and some unknown. It feels like you are staring into the universe; infinite aspects of beauty.
Glasz: (adj) The most beautiful and magical colour ever. Glasz eyes seem to constantly change colour from blue, green, gray and yellow.
Lets not forget his cheekbones. He needs a BAFTA for those. They look like they can cut you by looking at them.
3. He is freaking adorable
I mean, honestly. When asked what he would want to become, he said a lightsaber. The man wants to BECOME a lightsaber. He wonders why anyone wouldn't want to go
His life goals and morals are exemplary, he has the ideals of an angel and the heart of a child. He is as normal and weird as the rest of us, more human than most of the celebrities out there. We can relate to this man in several levels of craziness.

2.His acting
His versatility is commendable, whether he play a grumpy son, a high functioning sociopath or a hardcore villain. This is the actor who can cry on command and make us feel the pain in his heart and rip our souls apart. He is perfectly capable of reverting from murderous psychopath to a person who is on the side of the angels ( but not one of them) .
We fell in love with him in Sherlock, and we are prepared to hate him in Star Trek ( but love him anyway).
If I were on my deathbed, my one request would be to have Benedict Cumberbatch read to me at my bedside in all his deep-voiced glory. He sounds like the pearls of rain dropping from the heavens; a rumble from the bottom of the ocean and from the deepest, darkest parts of the forest, with dew on the grass and mist in the air. It also sounds like pure chocolate dripping off your fingers onto a plate of brownies and icecream. In short; all things good.
With this imagery in mind,it is no surprise that his voice also can cause erotic eargasms which can make anyones eardrums swoon.
I think I ve said enough?
Selected Benedict Cumberbatch filmography ( why not watch these while waiting for Sherlock?)
1 Atonement- Paul Marshall
2. Marple: Murder is Easy - Luke Fitzwilliam
3. Third Star- James
4. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy- Peter Guillam
5. War Horse- Major Jamie Stewart
6. Star Trek: into Darkness- Khan
He has also featured in several tv shows but one I saw was Fortysomething starring Hugh Laurie as Ben's dad and it was quite good, and also obviously Sherlock which started this whole "Benomenon" in the first place :3
And this is why this amazing man leaves destruction and debris in his wake (specially on tumblr) and will probably continue to do so many years into the future.
So lets begin.
Top 5 Reasons to love Benedict Cumberbatch
5.He is British
I honestly think thats reason enough. With his swoonworthy accent and impeccable manners, its hard to hate anyone who makes a scandalized face on hearing his phone ring during an interview.
4. His eyes (and his cheekbones)
There is a whole website dedicated to Ben's eyes for Pete's sake, ( much better than the one dedicated to Katy Perry's Armpits, just saying) . I mean, they seem to change colour as you look at them, and they seem to contain every hue known to man, and some unknown. It feels like you are staring into the universe; infinite aspects of beauty.

Lets not forget his cheekbones. He needs a BAFTA for those. They look like they can cut you by looking at them.
3. He is freaking adorable
I mean, honestly. When asked what he would want to become, he said a lightsaber. The man wants to BECOME a lightsaber. He wonders why anyone wouldn't want to go
His life goals and morals are exemplary, he has the ideals of an angel and the heart of a child. He is as normal and weird as the rest of us, more human than most of the celebrities out there. We can relate to this man in several levels of craziness.
Shall I let the gifs do the talking?

2.His acting

We fell in love with him in Sherlock, and we are prepared to hate him in Star Trek ( but love him anyway).
If I were on my deathbed, my one request would be to have Benedict Cumberbatch read to me at my bedside in all his deep-voiced glory. He sounds like the pearls of rain dropping from the heavens; a rumble from the bottom of the ocean and from the deepest, darkest parts of the forest, with dew on the grass and mist in the air. It also sounds like pure chocolate dripping off your fingers onto a plate of brownies and icecream. In short; all things good.
With this imagery in mind,it is no surprise that his voice also can cause erotic eargasms which can make anyones eardrums swoon.
I think I ve said enough?
Selected Benedict Cumberbatch filmography ( why not watch these while waiting for Sherlock?)
1 Atonement- Paul Marshall
2. Marple: Murder is Easy - Luke Fitzwilliam
3. Third Star- James
4. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy- Peter Guillam
5. War Horse- Major Jamie Stewart
6. Star Trek: into Darkness- Khan
He has also featured in several tv shows but one I saw was Fortysomething starring Hugh Laurie as Ben's dad and it was quite good, and also obviously Sherlock which started this whole "Benomenon" in the first place :3
And this is why this amazing man leaves destruction and debris in his wake (specially on tumblr) and will probably continue to do so many years into the future.
need i comment??? <3