Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Got into Pottermore!!!

Actually I got the mail a few days ago, and words cannot how express how happy I was ! I was actually close to tears.. OMG m obsessed. :P
Anyway heres my details ^ ^
I was sorted into Ravenclaw, Where "Wit Beyond Measure is Man;s Greatest Treasure",
Notable Ravenclaws include: Luna Lovegood (my fav female character everrrr :)) Cho Chang (my least fav female character ever -.-) , Ollivander, noted wand maker, Quirrel and Flitwick.

My wand: Alder and Phoenix feather, 10 3/4 inches, Surprisingly Swishy :) supposedly for very strong magic, and for very powerful wizards (or witches) :D
so in all, i am very happy :D
but my Potion making skills need to improve :P I melted a perfectly good cauldron.
I wont write very ofien as my vacations draw to a close. :P
Ok, I m going now :P

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


All i ve been doing is refreshing my gmail, in a hope of getting my pottermore emaillllllll waaaaahhhhhh. I CAN STAND THE ANXIETY! I ve never been this nervous even for my Board exams :P
I go on Gmail, i see (1)... OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG>>IS IT>>???  no.. its not Pottermore.. -.-

For those not in the know( filthy muggles) Pottermore is an "online reading experience , based on the Harry potter books", started by JK Rowling herself.. where you can go through the books, get sorted nd even buy a wand!! for more information, click here

Happy Birthday Evanna Lynch! :D 16th Aug

Happy Birthday to the Girl who does not play Luna, but IS Luna... She is my fav female character throughout the series, and Evanna brings her to life on the big screen... Love ya Evanna <3
"The others could play LunaEvanna Lynch is Luna." -David Yates 
I know m late, but i couldnt come on yesterday...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stereotypes- Part 1

This post has two parts.. in this post I will be focussing on the international aspect of stereotypes.. how the ppl of one country perceive people of another..
ok enough with the seriousness!!
Its funny how we think of typical things when someone mentions another nationality.. No offence to any country, every single country and its people are awesome..
I am not gonna lie to you, this is how I think if someone tells me to imagine a person from a particular country. But I know tat it HArdly ever applys!
I wonder what brought about these ? o.O
1. Imagine the french- An artist (why does it have to be an artist??? oO) wearing a mime shirt, a red scarf around his neck, a toothbrush mustache , wearing a black beret and carrying a baguette.. SRSLIEE? wow. and smoking.with accordion music in the background. Sacre bleu!!
2.  Imagine the British- posh, in a suit, speaks with spit. drinks tea at 4 with lemon with their little finger sticking up. probably with a monocle.  Walrus mustache? Bowler hat and cane. sits straight all the time. All the people in Britain are probably goin WT-?  right now. as they should.Oh. My Word.
3 - Imagine the Chinese- You imagine a lot of red clothes, long emperor mustaches, like noodles... ooohh noodles! lots of them.. n rice, with chopsticks.. n gongs. Probably a TT champ. and Communism.
-Imagine the Russians.- Military, definitely Military . Large woollen hats and Ballet dancers. Big Boots. WHYYYYYY??? oO
.Imagine the Japanese- Kimonos, uptight, extremely competent, probably a camera on their person
6--Imagine the Italians- Do you think of the Mafia eating Pasta? Or Chef Linguini?maybe Mario. I do.

 7- -AND NOW THE INDIANS .. I didnt actually realise this until I saw Phineas n Ferb. Baljeet is the ultimate stereotyped indian... Smart, Nerdy, Bookish,Chess?does Math in free time,  *speaks in a weird accent*, using high dictionary language instead of normal words, eats curry day in n day out, breaks out into a song number for trivial issues (this made me laugh, srsliee xD)  Grades are EVERYTHING!Stay with parents till we marry,(which is true btw) , etc.
See this video, every single stereotype of Indians seem to be in it.. I laughed so much I had tears rolling down my cheeks at the end!! Being Indian, i find it really funny that people think of us this way!
I wish everyone could laugh off stereotypes, because we know we are not really like that!(well, mostly :S)

Again, no offence to anyone.