The long summer is at an end.. and I cant say Winter is coming mostly because Singapore has no concept of seasons.
Ah summer, that time of year wherein you have no work and no concept of the time of day, when deadlines dont matter and all you can think about is Food.
So what did I do this summer worth mentioning?
1.Caught up on some sleep
I can speak for any college student when I say that a good night's sleep is about as common as finding
an alive person on Game of Thrones. And I needed to catch up and stock up on my sleep bank to accomplish anything worthwhile next semester.
So happy days of sleeping at 11 and waking up at 12, (much to the chagrin of anyone in the house) and catching a catnap or two in the afternoon hours when the house is quiet.
Speaking of which...

I have been inhaling cats all summer. Not only am I drooling over the little critters over the internet, I have been host to a family of 7 on my aunts front porch. ( ok not a family, but its still quite a number- I smell Von Trapp involvement, maybe I should teach them to sing.)
A mummy cat (which my aunt named Kuch) gave birth to three adorable kittens(named- Dr.Sir
Brownie Jr. IV, Kit Kat and Vijayam ( we named the littlest one after my granny-much to her reproach- as a joke, but the name sort of stuck.)) , plus there is a drunk uncle cat who shows up randomly for food( named Brownie) , a scary demented male cat whose meows sound like hes being run over (Bob Cat) and a GORGEOUS black female cat who looks like a cat version of Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon ( whom we very non racist-like named Oprah- well she was pregnant and we were expecting free kittens ("You get a Kitten! You get a kitten! All of you get kittens!") But they didnt show
:( ).
So my day kinda revolves around feeding them, staring creepily at them and resisting the urge to pack them in my suitcase.
3. Became a little less illiterate in terms of Software
I finally learnt two things I ve been embarrassingly illiterate at- Photoshop and Google Sketchup. Although Im still iffy at making anything great, its a lot of fun playing around with them.
With my new Wacom I absolutely adored colouring all my sketches on Ps.
4. While on the subject, I completely ignored my subject
I spent every single day sketching- I finally understood how to draw humans properly and just had a whale of a time using my creativity to its fullest. Like a good friend of mine says- I absolutely thrive on boredom!
5. I finally watched some movies.
Drumroll please! I think my seniors should be quite proud of me by now.Having admitted (like a fool) that I hadnt watched The Dark Knight and then getting burnt on the stake on charges of Heresy, I caught up on some movies that I should have seen ages ago.
6.Went on a long road trip around Karnataka.. and got lost.
When my dad finally landed into Bangalore, We piled ourselves into a car and when on an extensive road trip, visiting most of Northern Karnataka like Bellary ( where my mum did Junior College, so it
was really kinda cool visiting her school and sitting on the bench she sat on and visiting her old home, bit of a nostalgic roller coaster for my mum too.) , Hospet, Hampi, and Badami.
There was a lot to see for the Historic Architecture enthusiast. The bit which really got me going was Badami because they had caves cut out from the side of a hill and the workmanship inside was really astounding and awe-inspiring. I find it ironic that we in this day, with modern tools and thinking, cannot reproduce such similar splendor.
Well, as one would expect in a long road trip, we ended up lost in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. I guess I need to thank my cousins GPS for getting us home in one piece, although if Google Maps could express an opinion, she would have scoffed at our stupidity. It was an amazing experience though, and I highly recommend getting hopelessly lost atleast once in your life.
7. I fangirled.. A lot.
Introducing me to a new fandom is never a good idea. I never just like or dislike something. I either
absolutely HATE IT TO THE POINT OF UTTER DISGUST (*cough cough* Twilight *cough cough*) or I LOVE IT TO THE POINT OF UTTER DESPAIR.
And obviously I got hooked to Game of Thrones. It isnt really the best fandom to get initiated into especially if you have had a history of major misery with respect to fictional deaths.
Not to mention my already excruciating wait for Sherlock Season 3, Catching Fire and a bunch of other stuff too long to mention. This led to a virtually depressing summer.. in an awesome way.
8.I broke all sorts of records in the laziness department
Really. I was a combination of Snorlax and Kumbakaran all summer. Lying down and staring at my
ceiling pretty much made up my day.

9. I felt extremely accomplished in the littlest of ways
I kept daily goals and projects for myself, and felt pleased when I did them. Even if it was a sketch a day, a few comic strips, learning the Cups song from Pitch Perfect or perfecting a Brit accent, these little things really helped me feel good about myself in the end.
10. Ranted a lot about Tamil serials
I learnt a fair amount of (not so good) Tamil phrases too.
and finally 11. Troubled my family to no end!
My poor mummy. I really do love being pampered.
Now that my holidays are at an end, I have recouped and re energized myself for a long semester ahead, and I will excel in my own way!
Good luck for the new year guys!
Ah summer, that time of year wherein you have no work and no concept of the time of day, when deadlines dont matter and all you can think about is Food.
So what did I do this summer worth mentioning?
1.Caught up on some sleep
I can speak for any college student when I say that a good night's sleep is about as common as finding
an alive person on Game of Thrones. And I needed to catch up and stock up on my sleep bank to accomplish anything worthwhile next semester.
So happy days of sleeping at 11 and waking up at 12, (much to the chagrin of anyone in the house) and catching a catnap or two in the afternoon hours when the house is quiet.
Speaking of which...
I have been inhaling cats all summer. Not only am I drooling over the little critters over the internet, I have been host to a family of 7 on my aunts front porch. ( ok not a family, but its still quite a number- I smell Von Trapp involvement, maybe I should teach them to sing.)
A mummy cat (which my aunt named Kuch) gave birth to three adorable kittens(named- Dr.Sir
:( ).
So my day kinda revolves around feeding them, staring creepily at them and resisting the urge to pack them in my suitcase.
3. Became a little less illiterate in terms of Software
I finally learnt two things I ve been embarrassingly illiterate at- Photoshop and Google Sketchup. Although Im still iffy at making anything great, its a lot of fun playing around with them.
With my new Wacom I absolutely adored colouring all my sketches on Ps.
4. While on the subject, I completely ignored my subject
I spent every single day sketching- I finally understood how to draw humans properly and just had a whale of a time using my creativity to its fullest. Like a good friend of mine says- I absolutely thrive on boredom!
5. I finally watched some movies.
Drumroll please! I think my seniors should be quite proud of me by now.Having admitted (like a fool) that I hadnt watched The Dark Knight and then getting burnt on the stake on charges of Heresy, I caught up on some movies that I should have seen ages ago.
6.Went on a long road trip around Karnataka.. and got lost.
When my dad finally landed into Bangalore, We piled ourselves into a car and when on an extensive road trip, visiting most of Northern Karnataka like Bellary ( where my mum did Junior College, so it
was really kinda cool visiting her school and sitting on the bench she sat on and visiting her old home, bit of a nostalgic roller coaster for my mum too.) , Hospet, Hampi, and Badami.
There was a lot to see for the Historic Architecture enthusiast. The bit which really got me going was Badami because they had caves cut out from the side of a hill and the workmanship inside was really astounding and awe-inspiring. I find it ironic that we in this day, with modern tools and thinking, cannot reproduce such similar splendor.
Well, as one would expect in a long road trip, we ended up lost in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. I guess I need to thank my cousins GPS for getting us home in one piece, although if Google Maps could express an opinion, she would have scoffed at our stupidity. It was an amazing experience though, and I highly recommend getting hopelessly lost atleast once in your life.
7. I fangirled.. A lot.
Introducing me to a new fandom is never a good idea. I never just like or dislike something. I either
absolutely HATE IT TO THE POINT OF UTTER DISGUST (*cough cough* Twilight *cough cough*) or I LOVE IT TO THE POINT OF UTTER DESPAIR.
And obviously I got hooked to Game of Thrones. It isnt really the best fandom to get initiated into especially if you have had a history of major misery with respect to fictional deaths.
Not to mention my already excruciating wait for Sherlock Season 3, Catching Fire and a bunch of other stuff too long to mention. This led to a virtually depressing summer.. in an awesome way.
8.I broke all sorts of records in the laziness department
Really. I was a combination of Snorlax and Kumbakaran all summer. Lying down and staring at my
ceiling pretty much made up my day.

9. I felt extremely accomplished in the littlest of ways
I kept daily goals and projects for myself, and felt pleased when I did them. Even if it was a sketch a day, a few comic strips, learning the Cups song from Pitch Perfect or perfecting a Brit accent, these little things really helped me feel good about myself in the end.
10. Ranted a lot about Tamil serials
I learnt a fair amount of (not so good) Tamil phrases too.
and finally 11. Troubled my family to no end!
My poor mummy. I really do love being pampered.
Now that my holidays are at an end, I have recouped and re energized myself for a long semester ahead, and I will excel in my own way!
Good luck for the new year guys!