the year i took my 10th boards
the year i graduated to technical 'college'
the year i had to say goodbye to my fav subject
the year i had to make career choices
the year i started learning new things
the year i realised that i was actually popularthe year i became unpopular :)
the year i realised that some teachers werent all they were meant to bethe year i realsied we were being missed
the year i learnt the true meaning of hypocrisy
the year i saw hypocrisy everywhere
the year i learnt the true meaning of friends <3the year i learnt to be a good friend
the year i learnt the importance of bonding with family
the year i learnt that girls gossip a lot :P
the year i became interested in the culinary arts :)
the year i realised that people dont listen to me :)
the year i wished i wouldnt have to listen to anyone
the year we got rid of 3 teachers o.O
the year our batch became mad xD
the year i wrote a lot of spoofs
the yar i realised that i was good at spoofs
the year i watched SO many movies!
the year i really learnt to bond with friendsthe year we had class outings!
the year i tasted heaven
the year i got interested in football
the year i started to miss 10th
the year i wished i was back in it
the year i wished we were appreciated more
the year i was treated as a joke
the year i realsied that kuwait isnt as great as i thought it was.. (but still gr8 nevertheless)
the year i saw the Taj Mahal and cried
the year i wished i was prettier(weird i know)
the year i wished relatives didnt care so much
the year i wished i had taken arts
the year i became clear of peoples real intentions :(
the year i stayed up till 5:30 Am just to watch the US open
the year i became emo
the year i realised that teachers could be sarcastic too
the year my batchmates became sisters.. :)
the year we came up with a lot of nicknames!
the year i played tennis for the first time!
the year i missed a lot of people..
the year i wished those people missed me
the year i baked a cake.. and it was good!
the year i lost weight.. n almost regained it xD
the year i realised that our batch is jinxed
the year i absolutely loved/hated!
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.Oprah Winfrey