The third installment of The Chronicles of Narnia (i love the word "Chronicles" it has an enigmatic tinge sumhow ":)) was highly anticipated and for good reason. it tells the story of the younger pevensie kids (edmund n lucy) and their snobby cousin eustace, as they go on a voyage on the narnian ship,
the dawn treader. its mostly a growing up story, with the siblings having their own little insecurities, (lucy wants to be pretty like her sister susan, n edmund wants to be high king, n not play second fiddle)
also the main plot of every narnian tale is the triumph of good over evil, but it was a little disorienting to find the description of evil to be green mist which swallows all.. sadly, i couldnt get involved enough as the crowd kept talking, phones kept ringing n god knows, some idiots started laughing during the most serious scenes....
the twist in the plot was a brilliant one, the goal being to not merely to find what happened to the seven lords, but also to reunite their swords at the Table of Aslan, to finally defeat the evil in Narnia.

For me, the highlight was the person who played Eustace, natural acting along with an amazing sense of humour brought life to a film which generally lacked meaning.. the only action was at the end when they battle a sea serpent which was beautifully taken! The camera angles really left us on the edge of our seats (or deep into them, since I saw it in 3D) I only wish there was more fright in the film, like the type which kept harry potter so popular. The computer graphics were very precise, and you could detect the slightest shift in Reepicheeps mood (who was becoming increasingly cuter as the film progressed, I too had the urge to hug him in the end) and facial expressions on Eustace the dragon was amazing too.. the acting wqas generally better than the previous flicks but georgie handley (lucy pevensie) was really not doing herself any favours. Her acting was just as bad as her previous endeavors. i wish aslan had had a little more screen time, although they followed the book precisely in his scenes.
The setting was beautiful, the water so blue you wanted to taste its sweetness, and the dawn treader was an achievement in itself. CS lewis would have been proud of it.
Ben barnes and skander Keynes ( Caspian n Edmund) did brilliant justice to their characters , and aside from looking hotter with a beard, thankfully Caspian had lost his annoying telmarine accent which was a confusing blend of Persian n French xP. Edmund looked older, n more haggard somehow, but you couldn’t help but feel sorry for him as he tries to prove himself. (I still think he looked cuter in prince Caspian ).
BottomLine= definitely a must see, specially for those who are hard core followers of the series, and although it did not exceed prince Caspian in plot and acting, I still came away wishing I was a part of it all, a part of that wonderful place, NARNIA J
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