I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
Nearly ill with excitement, and terrified of being late to the most anticipated movie of my life, I sat with some relief in my comfortable chair and with some reluctance put my 3D glasses over my own (a disadvantage of watching 3D as I am never comfortable because the glasses never sit on my nose). The Theatre (me leading) gave a cheer as the Warner Bros logo zoomed into our faces and the movie continued where it left off.
The Gringott's scene was one of the best scenes ever taken and the only scene really, to be effective in 3D. The dragon gave adrenaline rushes to anyone present, (spewing fire on the audience's faces and throwing debris everywhere), and the heist was action packed, with an amazing performance from Helena Bonham Carter as Hermione :D
The Battle of Hogwarts.. to put in one word- cool? Awesome? Mind Blowing? The special effects were to die for. You could feel the sense of danger, and even though you were sitting on the other side of the screen, you felt truly scared, and your emotions flowed with those on screen.
There was humour too, despite the seriousness of the situation. There are many, but one which needs mention is Ron running behind Malfoy, Zabini and Goyle, yelling "Thats my girlfriend you numpties!" xD

A special mention goes to Maggie Smith, as Mineva Mcgonagall, with the most classic sense of humor ever, claiming things like "I've always wanted to use that spell" (after asking the Hogwarts statues to guard the school), or "Boom" and she has a big role as the guiding force in the Battle.
The Ron/Hermione kiss was way too random and disappointed me, as if they were waiting 7 years just to kiss randomly in the Chamber of Secrets! and so did the deaths of Lupin , Tonks and Fred. I was ready to bawl my eyes out for Fred's death but they just suddenly show him dead. I wish they had given him a heroic farewell, like in the book.
The Prince's Tale was the best part of the movie, and as strong as I am, I couldn't take it. I cried my eyes out. Alan Rickman gave one of his best performances ever and showed us what a quality actor he is. It is hard to play such a role, as a man grieving a lost love, risking his life over the years to protect a boy who is not his. But he executed it perfectly, and I really had to give him a bow after it was over.

Neville (Mathew Lewis) deserves a special mention as he comes out as the Hero, its hard to believe that the fat bumbling boy who, people believed, didnt belong in Gryffindor, was the strapping tall (hot ;)) brave character you see on screen, and he was a source of many cheers from the audience.
Another thing which got applause? Molly Weasley of course, we fans were terrified that it wouldnt make it to the film, and it was a relieved applause which erupted when she screamed "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" :D
Voldemort's death was probably for the "movies only" viewers, effective for 3D, but it came as a surprise for the "reader" viewers. Ralph Fiennes as usual, played the brilliant "high definition villain"(in is own words), but funnily enough, I was disappointed that there wasnt a single "NYEEAHHHHH" in the movie!
The score was a stroke of genius by Alexandre Desplat. The music fully captured the mood and brought romance to a film full of action. Special mention to:
Lily's Theme ( really folks, listen to it, gives you goosebumps) . They kept bringing up
Hedwig's Theme, and I am glad the score didn't die with the character, as it gave the audience nostalgia of journey through the years.
I loved the epilogue, 19 years later, it was nice that they used the same characters, but they didn't look that much older and it was difficult to accept that the small kids were our heroes' kids. They ended the last movie with a sense of
Deja vu, the audience remember a giant Hagrid waving goodbye to the very same person who is now waving to his son , and playing in the background was the same music:
Leaving Hogwarts, which brought many a tear to my eye.

I couldnt get up when it was over; I stood where I was , and saw the entire credits go by for the last time, hardly daring to believe that it was all over at last.
The movie was brilliantly executed, and it features 3rd on my list only because the script had gaping holes which should have been filled. It is only the third movie ever to make me actually shed tears, and the only one which made me shed more than one. (in fact the only movie to actually make me sob)
At the end of it all, I left, tears making small streaks down my cheeks, and if anyone had asked me"After all this time?"
"Always" Thats my answer forever more.
So now here is my ranking of my favorite Harry potter films... I obviously have my own views of the series and anyone is free to disagree with me.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3 .Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
6. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
7.. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
8. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
If you want to contact me, feel free , send an
owl mail . :P
Mischief Managed