Jk rowling is truly a magician, with a charmed quill, she brought us 7 beautiful books, 7 years in the life of a Hero, the Chosen one .

It all began with a Curse. For millions of people worldwide this Curse turned into a Boon as we were launched into the story of the Boy who Lived. (in the cupboard under the stairs? :P). We learn the true meaning of Friendship, and Bravery. We learn that "happiness can even be found in the darkest if times, if only one remembers ,to turn on the light (Dumbledore, HPPOA). Over the years, I have come to think of these wonderful characters, not just as characters from a page, only in black and white, but as real people in flesh and blood, with aspirations and dreams. I cry from my heart when something happens to them, or if they die (I couldnt help it, I shed one tear for Hedwig, a bucket for Dobby, and an ocean for Fred, who along with his twin George are my favorite characters in the whole series, I almost had mini crushes on the characters). Words like "muggle" and "Horcrux", "dementor" and "boggart" are part of my everyday vocabulary. I play Potter games, and talk Potter with my friends. I was Watching the Potter press conference and it was amazing how they think of the Harry Potter set up as a family, as they have grown up together, and they dont think of it as a money making job.
The Potter Series has been.. more than a series. It was the first real book I touched; I got most of my vocabulary from it. My success in the English language began as a result of reading Harry Potter.
I have grown up with the characters, matured with them, chosen them as role models, and walked with them through their troubles and triumphs. In Jo's words, I am truly honored to have stuck with Harry till the very end.
J K Rowling has carved a niche for herself with the Greats, and I have no doubts that Harry Potter will join the Classics one day.
It definitely dosent end here, sure, there are no more films or books to look forward to, only endless reruns on television and secret readings since I am now officially banned form reading harry potter again (too many times I guess). No other series has as much fan following, and I have absolutely nothing to wait for during the summer, or winter, or anything. But as I said, the magic lives on. People will continue to quote the books, people will watch the reruns, and people will take home the lessons which the Wonderful characters have thought us. And if you are crying too, dont worry, you are just as sane as I am ;)
Here is a beautiful tribute I found on Youtube, they are petitioning to play this at the end of the movie, and I really hope they do.
I saw this in a site- After a total of 12 years in
4,195 pages and
17 hours & 32 minutes of screen running time,
there is only 2 hours and 30 minutes left until the journey ends.
Keep Calm and Hold Hands.
The magic will live forever. It is fitting that I end this with Jo Rowlings own words-"No story lives unless someone wants to listen... the stories we love best do live in us forever.... so whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
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