Excuse the title, it is not as emo as you think.
So it is time once more for my biannual reflection on a semester fraught with twists, turns and amazing moments too. I learnt a lot of life lessons which I would like to share with you.
This one is going to be quite long, since a LOT has happened this sem, so I am going to put them under nice bold sub-headings for the ease of my readers.
So,let's begin!
1.Of Cuts
Well, the first major event of the semester was that I cut myself. No, I am not depressed, it was merely a work place accident. Having been functioning for about 4 hours a sleep a day, I was naturally tired when I decided to start work on my model due the next week.
All it took was a simple slip of hand with the new blade and I found myself bleeding all over my work. Two things crossed my mind that moment: 1- SAVE THE MODEL
2- Thank God it was my left finger. :P
Ah the thought processes of an overworked archi student. I hadn't realised the extent of my injury but I ran out didn't grab no shoes or nuthin'. (To those who didn't understand that reference,
here.) It turned out it was worse than I thought, I had to literally pull a small piece of my left index finger out. (cue widespread cringing).

Even then it didn't occur to me to ask for help. I finally knocked on the door of my friend who was living on the same floor (the poor thing was completely baffled when she pulls open the door at 3am and I'm there asking her for Milo). One thing led to another and long story short, I ended up in the hospital, accompanied by three amazing seniors who were wondering why I wasn't making a bigger deal out of it ( I don't know what state of mind led me to joke about my bloody finger-" Who needs Game of Thrones when you have this?") .
After a long process of my finger being cleaned, wrapped and being made tetanus-free, it all culminated with the four of us having Ben and Jerry's chocolate ice cream in my kitchen at 5:30 am.
The lesson I learnt here at this point is that you can always rely on your friends. It gave me an amazing feeling (it also got me a tad emotional) to see my friends constantly worrying about whether I was alright or not for the next week. ( I also got a generous amount of scoldings ( "You Jackass") for not being careful.) I am truly lucky and grateful to be surrounded by the wonderful people I have around me today :)
2.Of Bruises
Several little incidents to mention here. The good kind of bruises. Like the ones that stay with you after a strenuous game of well, any kind of sport. The ones here are mostly fandom -related and emotional.
A) Memorable Outings

Whether it was a simple dinner outing (ok, not so simple as I was literally forced into a dress with strict instructions not to wear sneakers) or a visit to the
National Geographic 50 Greatest Photographs exhibit, every little thing has a memory attached to it.
Endless walks to the 7-11 behind the hostel, come rain or haze or humidity, each walk with a different conversation, a different wish, a different dream, each one concluding with me finishing off 500ml of Magnolia Chocolate Milk (I have developed a rather unhealthy obsession with these, another cut on my finger may just result in me bleeding Chocolate milk) and feeling happy to be just surviving.
Also visited Universal Studios with my cousins! An amazing day to remember (pity the crazy awesome roller coaster wasn't working though)
B) Crazy moments
Pillow Battles (nope, not small enough to be classified as fights) with cushions and bean bags in the lounge with a dozen people,
a dance in the rain with your best friend , Pizza orders at 3am,Maggi in the microwave at the oddest times, constant practice of the Cups Song and the endless games of Heads Up!. Yup, just your average hostel day.
A note on Heads Up: This has got to be the most entertaining and addicting game I have ever come across. I would also like to say that my friends and I have become quite pro at it.
Ignoring the occasional slip-up ( Certain mentions of "Where's the Love Tonight" and "HellDog" come to mind :P ) we have reached the level of a minimum of 14 guesses per minute. If we went on this
game show, we would clean out their coffers.
C) Oh to Fangirling
My busy schedule prompted only two movie outings this semester, both highly anticipated and steeped in feels. The first was Thor 2, which mostly involved me sitting in the centre of a group of 5, fangirling constantly over both Thor and Loki. At one point I had to hold my friend's shoulder, breathless because I thought Loki was going to die.
Because Tom Hiddleston, that's why.
And of course, who could forget the build-up to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire! 18 months of constant waiting, intensive hyperventilating at 1 minute trailers (outside Exam Halls, I might add), days of wondering if they would do justice to the book did not go in vain. After watching The Hunger Games the previous night, a group of 6 of us went for the first show (despite it being Reading week). We shed tears, laughed and hyperventilated through it, fangirling intensively even after it was over. In this aspect, The Odds were certainly In Our Favour.
D) Cheers to Anal Critiques -.-
Some of the best fun I've had this semester is with NUS Indian Dance. Don't worry, I don't dance, I merely make the posters and the programme booklet. Having finally learnt Photoshop to some degree over the summer, I spent fun days tweaking and re tweaking posters when they used to be set back with some minute change or another :P But still, it was all worth it in the end :)
E) Hell Yeah to Moral Support
This section is very important. If there is one thing you desperately need in college, it is moral support. With your family so far away and quite helpless, it is important that you have people around you who can keep you going. And I have a lot of that. Even if it meant staying up till 9am so that I could finish an assignment, or walking all the way from another block so that we could walk to 7-11 together, or putting up with my constant existential crises, I am really grateful to my extended family here in Singapore :)
F) Quizzing is ruining my life
I have always mentioned this, that NUS has a knack of making you feel like shit about things you thought you were good at. The Quizzing page on Facebook, although teaching me loads, made me have
mini existential crises every time I couldn't answer a question I should have known (like a bunch of
Harry Potter and Doctor Who questions I couldn't answer) .

It also created an unfortunate addiction during my exam period, as my good friend pointed out ironically, " Our thirst for knowledge is preventing us from studying." :P
It is an amazing page however, and I shall be forever addicted to it. Like I said, ruining my life, but in a good way.
G) While Improv is Improving it. (:P)
One of the best things which has happened to me this semester is the fact that I joined Improv.
For those of you who are not sure what it is, it is basically improvised comedy, wherein the performers make up on the spot scenes and situations meant to be funny. Like the show
Whose Line is it anyway?. It is the most fun I've ever had and my group is just brilliant. Besides, Hoedowns are awesome.
3. Of Open Wounds
This semester was the time we lost someone close to us. This was a wound which cannot be closed, for any of us. And despite several sleepless nights hoping for a Sherlock-esque return in a dramatic fashion, I know that my life wasn't directed by Steven Moffat and my wounds will still be open.
At this point I want to express how proud I am of the people around me and how beautifully we handled it all. We are a strong lot, and I pray we continue to be that way.
This incident made me realise just how transient everything around me is. The things we so take for granted may not be around everyday. Appreciate them while you can people. Spend more time with the people you love, do the things you want to do, because it may not be always there, in the end.
That sums up my semester. Sorry for the lengthy post but you know how I like to talk :P It is funny how I haven't written a thing about my work, but I think my
previous reflections will still apply for this semester.
I hope everyone is having an amazing winter break :D
Love you peeps.